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Carter G. Woodson Tribute

This is the father of African American History and worthy of personal recognition during the month of February. Although there has been broad acceptance of Black History Month it is often at the expense of the price paid by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. Lets never forget the fountainhead...and the one man who stood in the gap for all black contributions and not just the talented ten.

Carter G. Woodson - Duration: 29:44. Patreeshas Potpourri 844 views

THE RE-Education Of THE Negro: Carter G. Woodson 101 #Happy140FaTHErOfBlackHistory #ASALH100 - Duration: 19:08. WeAllBeTV 1,794 views

Carter G. Woodson - African American Trailblazers - Duration: 6:23. LibraryofVa 35,632 views

John Hope Franklin Talks About The Importance of History - Duration: 7:41. visionaryproject 8,116 views

Dr. John Henrik Clarke - Education: The Highest Form of Struggle - Duration: 2:02:25. Donnie Mossberg 60,263 views

Carter G. Woodson - The Mis-education of the Negro Part 1 - Duration: 12:55. New Possibilities 7,920 views

John Henrik Clarke - A Great and Mighty Walk (full - Duration: 1:34:42. prince amir 273,264 views

Carter G Woodson: The Mis-Education of the Negro (audiobk) pt 1 - Duration: 1:34:25. examinfo 47,482 views

Really? Why are we Celebrating Black History Month - Carter G Woodson - Duration: 6:19. The Great Griot 16,379 views

Carter G Woodson The Mis education of the Negro AUDIO BOOK - Duration: 4:33:23. NWPU 2,644 views

Ray Hagins: The Business of Religion - Duration: 56:30. FreeBlackness 90,589 views

LAW AND ORDER DR JOHN HENRIK CLARKE - Duration: 1:43:24. sonofYah7 93,854 views

Carter G Woodson:

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