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Caricom dismayed at new developments in Guyana

She added further that Caricom “is concerned at reports that the chief elections officer has submitted a report to the Guyana Elections Commission [GECOM] which is contrary to the directions given by the commission, and which does not reflect the results of the recount process as certified by the very staff of the Guyana Elections Commission and witnessed by representatives of the political parties.

Mottley said that the Caricom observer team “was of the unshakeable belief that the people of Guyana expressed their will at the ballot box on March 2 and that the results of the recount, certified as valid by the staff of GECOM, led to an orderly conclusion on which the declaration of the results of the election would be made.

“I assure you that the Community remains committed to the people of Guyana and remains resolute that the report of its observer mission was very clear in its conclusions as to the will of the Guyanese people as reflected in the recount, which they monitored,” Mottley said in her statement.

In a joint statement ambassador of the United States, Sarah-Ann Lynch, British High Commissioner Greg Quinn, Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee, and ambassador of the European Union Fernando Ponz-Canto said they “are concerned that 114 days after the 2 March elections the people of Guyana continue to await the declaration of an election result”.

“That respect includes an election declaration of results that mirrors the order and integrity displayed by the people of Guyana, GECOM and party officials, as witnessed by domestic and international observers during the 2 March general and regional elections.