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The Devil and his Imps can never win. America lies can never win over the eternal truths of God, and that’s a fact. A man can only think that he can win. Trump and his MAGA Cult IMPS think that they won the debate, because of superficial optics. Trump gave his supporters what they desired a clown show based upon the best imitation of the devil, with his facial expression based upon a complete disregard for the truth. In almost two hours, Trump told more than (30) fact-check lies. When individuals are building a nation-state based upon the eternal truths enshrined in the Preamble and the U. S. Constitution lies have no role in democratic political discourse. On the other hand, if your mindset is to build a White Privileged Autocracy, Putin style, then lies, lies, and damn lies are your primary tools. There are no two ways about things. It’s God’s way, because “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24: 1). America, it is a Godly privilege to be a part of the greatest multicultural democracy the world community has ever known. Th e only thing that was greater is when God had prophets whom he selected to equally divide and distribute goods and services. Of course, the Israelites were not satisfied because they could not co-opt God’s Man, the Prophet Samuel. Th ere-fore, they wanted a King because they knew that they could co-opt the King. Now, we know why Christian Right Nationalists, Th e GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some Blacks and other minorities desire Donald J. Trump, because he has already been co-opted by rich men, and the international exchange system, and they must show deference to him. Moreover, we all know why Trump desires a no check and balance system as a get out of jail free card, and a pay to play environment as a way of accruing wealth. Trump has demonstrated that he will throw anyone under the bus, even his own family members just ask Mary Trump. It is […]

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