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Amputee pundit seeks help from public - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Mehindra Rambally is seeking help from the public to keep himself alive. The 53-year-old pundit is diabetic and an amputee.

Speaking at his Elliot Trace, Madras, Cunupia home, he told Newsday he cut his left foot while cleaning after a flood in August 2020. The cut became infected and an abscess developed.

On seeking advice at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex he was told his foot needed to be amputated.

Afterwards he sought help and raised enough money for a custom prosthetic leg.

He said, "Though I was not a wealthy man, the little bit of money I had went into getting bandages and doctors' visits after my amputation."

Rambally said after his foot was amputated, another abscess developed which required further care, medical visits and even more frequent bandage changes. He said none of these things are on the list of provisions from social assistance.

Rambally, who has no children or siblings, lives in a one-storey board house that belongs to a close friend. The house is situated far from ammenities and has a make shift wheelchair ramp to the front. The house only has one bedroom and a small kitchen where Rambally swivels around to heat his food. In the kitchen he has a fridge a microwave and a small table. The house has no other appliances and its furnature is limited to one bed where Rambally spends most of his time. Rambally said he cannot even use the bathroom in his home as there are no handle bars to help keep him balanced so he is forced to rely on adult diapers and eco-pads. He said if it were not for his friend he would have nothing to eat nor clean clothes to wear.

"It is not a nice thing to have to be asking people for help, but I have no other option, I really cannot help myself, and those who were helping me before aren't as able, especially given the pandemic and rise in food prices."

The bachelor grieved on Christmas Day. He said while most were celebrating with loved ones, he was home alone with only a plate of dhal and bhagi that his friend had prepared some days before. Rambally said the friend brings meals for him when he can, and when he has nothing, he makes do with water and tea.

In September 2021 Rambally suffered a stroke, which affected the right side of his body and his speech.

"People have said my voice sounds so different since the stroke. It's because of the bleeding in my brain."

At his last doctor's visit in November, he said he was told an MRI showed his brain was still bleeding. He has been unable to go back to the doctor, as each visit costs more than $400.

On the advice of his doctor, Rambally no longer uses his prosthetic leg, as it increases the chances of his falling.

"It happened before. There was a time when the boy came to help me out and I put on the leg.

"The next thing you know, I fell down right here.

"The stroke has made it very difficult to keep my balance, so the doctor said not to use the prosthetic."

His right leg is now in jeopardy, as varicose veins have been causing further damage.

Asked how he would like the public t

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