Seniors at the Worthing High School received a surprise last month during an invitation-only trip to Oklahoma's Langston University . Worthing High School's 60-member band "Marching Pride of Sunnyside" had the pleasure of visiting the HBCU to practice with the university's marching band, perform beside them during a football game and audition for the band tryouts. The trip's perks increased when all nine seniors of Sunnyside's band received $50,000 scholarships to attend and play for Langston University's marching band. "I'm the first person in my family to go to college," trombone player Nicholas Lockett said. "I think the world of it; it's just awesome." CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 | All nine seniors from the Worthing High School Marching Pride of Sunnyside Band were given $50,000 scholarships to attend and play for Langston University after traveling to the university for band tryouts. — KHOU 11 News Houston (@KHOU) December 14, 2021 Worthing band director Kuan...