THE EDITOR: The prompt action of the TTFA in outrightly condemning the unacceptable behaviour of the crowd at the U-17 football match recently is, in a word, commendable. We cannot condone that type of creeping hooliganism into our society.
Sports has too valuable a contribution to make to our country for us to stay quiet on this.
Europe, more so England, now has to bear the high cost of security at football matches as that type of reaction at games was allowed to fester.
We can ill-afford to travel such a road. We will be better served to use such resources on improving communities.
Indeed, the designation of the Sports and Community Development Ministry was great thinking.
We don't seem to appreciate the tremendous influence of sports on the psyche of our country, to not appreciate this proactive approach by the TTFA.
While today we have had a somewhat small incident, we must nip it in the bud lest the undesirable develops.
Anything as advertised by the universal game of football has far-reaching effects.
Indeed, as, the FIFA president so well put it at the opening of Foitball House recently, "You are the capital of the world today," referencing the popularity of the beautiful game worldwide.
Well done, TTFA, and let us be eternally vigilant.
I can share the experience of a riot at a football match pre-Olympic tournament in Bolivia 1987, with the rioters protesting what they did not like. It saw destruction of all billboards around the field, lots of army personnel firing rubber bullets, many people being injured, forced changing of the route to the hotel and ending up at the police headquarters.
Following that the hotel was monitored and the commissioner of police was on the bus wherever we were travelling up to the end of the tournament.
Let us learn from others as we proceed.
former FIFA referee
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